Ever wonder why children love to watch a movie over and over and over and over? They know what is going to happen! It makes them feel safe.
Although we can’t control what is happening “out there,” we can be in charge of our own New Normal by creating that sense of security with a routine.
Creating a Morning Boost of Caring Routine
I suggest aiming for the same time and place each morning, but anytime and anyplace is the perfect time and perfect place. It will just take 3 – 5 minutes to center and focus yourself and your children to start your day with a Boost of Caring.
Gather your children. You might make it fun by having each child take a turn and ring a bell or sound a chime to remind everyone it is time to gather.
Right now, children aren’t getting much touch from friends or relatives. Touch is very important to our well- being. Research shows with touch there is an exchange of energy from one person’s heart to the other’s brain and vice versa. It also has been shown to boost the immune system and we all need that right now.
Knowing this, it would be nice to start with holding hands as you stand together.
Boost of Caring #1 Take Deep Breathes
Take 3 deep breaths. This will calm and center you. Being calm has a huge impact on your children’s ability to manage
Together, take 3 deep breaths and then take one more breath and hold it for 3-5 seconds. This will have you all connected to each other, everyone exchanging calm
TIP: Whenever you or your children are feeling anxious or out of control, take 3 deep breaths and then hold the 4th breathe. You will notice your heart will stop pounding and return to a slower, steadier beat. Calmer, you can make mindful choices that will support you and your children.
Boost of Caring #2 Set Your Intention
As you continue to hold hands, each person can set their intention for the day. Image that you can decide the kind of day you want to have. Again, this will give everyone a greater sense of control over what seems so chaotic right now.
Consider your intention can be to decide to be at peace, go with the flow, listen carefully, speak mindfully to your children, see each challenge as an opportunity to develop your Talents, Abilities and Gifts (TAGs)SM. Then when times are tough, you can breathe, center, and remember how you want your day to go and make decisions to bring your day back on track.
The children can set their intention too. They might want to listen carefully, be curious about what they will learn, have fun, be a leader, be a problem solver, be more creative.
TIP: Knowing you can only control yourself and how you want to be as you go throughout your day, you can gain a sense of control and well-being.
Boost of Caring #3 I am OK.
We are so hard on ourselves and demand so much that we almost never feel good enough. Of course, there is always more to do. Yes, we think that we could have, should have, would have, done better. However, the truth is everyone does the best they can in the moment – you and your children. Beating ourselves up about what’s not been done is very draining.
What I recommend is to realize that despite all our flaws, we actually are OK exactly as we are. When you can know that and be gentle with yourself and your children, then you have more energy to do what needs to get done!
To feel more energized and enthusiastic, have everyone give each other the OK sign. Have each person say 3 times, “I am OK!”. “I am OK!”. “I am OK!”.
Children love this. When they struggle, tell them to take a breath and give themselves the OK sign. When they know they are OK, they are more likely to find a solution – you, too!
TIP: Being gentle with yourself, knowing everyone is doing the best
they can in each moment, you will set a good example for your children to be kind to themselves and their friends as well.
Boost of Caring #4 Hug Time
Instinctively, we know that hugs are good for us! Scientifically, we know they add to our energy stockpile and boost our immune system with good endorphins known as serotonin. Serotonin is often called the “feel good” hormone that is produced and spread by neurons in the brain. It supports us in feeling happy, calm and even more confident.
End your Morning Routine with a big hug. Hold your child snuggly and let the happy hormones get produced.
Your children will feel the positive impact of this Boost of Caring to their immune system and confidence. Everyone’s day will get off to a great start.
When something unexpected happens and you feel anxiety creeping in, use your 4 Magical Well-Being Tools to restart your day with another Boost of Caring.